• 3 Types of Jobs in Cyber Security

    If you are just starting college or are considering a career change, you may want to consider earning a degree in cyber security. With the ever-increasing threats online, this is one of the most in-demand fields to pursue. Here are three types of paths you can choose for new cyber security careers. 1. Government Agencies In addition to having the educational background in cyber security, you will likely need a security clearance to work for government agencies.
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  • Data Migration And Verification For Remote Businesses

    Does your business thrive on remote access? Do you share files through collaboration software or online storage systems, or do you use virtual machines to get work done? In many cases, data migration is a simple act of copying one file to another. Unfortunately, some issues such as imaging new virtual machines, converting databases, or confirming security are not so simple. Here are a few of the more complex areas of data migration to understand when you need help instead of relying on the old copy and paste.
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  • Gaming On A Mac? Why Not?

    One question has plagued Mac users since the day that Windows XP became the clear winner in PC (personal computer) gaming; why not play games on a Mac? The Apple II had plenty of great games, and even Windows users with 1980's and 1990's computer experience played a few games on the older Apple platforms, so what changed? To understand why gaming on a Mac isn't as accessible as on Windows-based computers, here are a few industry and technical facts, along with a few ways around the problem:
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  • The Most Important Emergency Numbers For Your Small Business

    Running a small business, no matter what kind of service you provide, can create a number of challenges. Unlike in a large corporation where there are lots of departments that can handle things internally, a small business will often need to bring in outside help. It's not efficient to have full time employees on staff all day to take care of these things, and it's also not feasible to expect your regular employees to take on multiple tasks that are outside their purview.
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  • Key Things To Know If You Are Considering Computer Systems Integration

    Strategic IT planning and a stable connectivity foundation are paramount for business growth in the present and future business environments, according to Forbes Magazine. Computer systems integration involves bringing your computer sub-systems into one system to deliver a comprehensive functionality. By using information technology, you can link hardware, computing systems, and software functionally or physically. Here are key things to know before you sign up for the process. Information System Types
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  • Three Reasons Why Your Company Needs Proper WiFi Design And What That Entails

    When you own and operate a company that occupies a building of more than four stories, or you own more than one building for operations, you need a wirless LAN to make communications systems work. Intra-company communications as well as B2B and B2C communications nowadays rely heavily on email and internet connections. As such, you should look into hiring the experts in WiFi design in your area. Here are some more reasons why, as well as what that process entails.
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  • Software As A Service: An Intro For Not Tech-Savvy Business Owners

    When the age of the internet first began, it completely changed how businesses functioned in general. Many business owners went the route of installing expensive software and programs on their computers to keep up with the latest changes and see their businesses function on an entirely different level. However, with time, the task of regularly updating business software has become one that is costly and daunting because changes happen at such a rapid rate.
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  • 3 Tips For Using Your New Voice Recognition Software For Your Business Writing

    If you have recently purchased voice recognition software, like Voice Computer, to help you with your business writing, you may wonder if there is anything you can do to increase your chances of using the software successfully. If so, use one or more of the following tips to help you get started with hands-free writing. Choose the Right Microphone Headset Before you sit down to attempt your first session, you need to choose the right microphone headset for the job.
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  • Why An IT Company Is An Essential Way To Protect Business Computers From Power Surges

    Computers are an essential part of most business operations these days. Keeping them in great shape is a crucial way of avoiding losing data and other important information about the business. Unfortunately, computers without surge protection may end up losing all their data. Here is why an IT specialist can help protect a business from this serious problem. Surge Protectors Are Vital For A Computer These days, business computers need to be protected from power surges with high-quality surge protectors.
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  • 3 Mistakes to Avoid When Building Your Home Computer

    The world is becoming more and more tech savvy and, as such, many people choose to build their own home computers. However, a significant number of self-built PCs require significant repairs and maintenance. You can reduce this by avoiding the three common mistakes below: Not Taking Enough Time to Plan Taking enough time to plan the build itself is a critical component in building your own PC, but a significant number of first-time computer architects overlook this.
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